Author: TheEngineeringToday

Learn more about PCB-less smart products in Let’s Talk Science. New generations of 3D printers could see the arrival of entirely new types of products on the market in five to ten years. What is innovative about these printers is that they can simultaneously print electronic functions such as light-emitting diodes and conductor paths. “3D electronics is giving rise to awhole new range of possibilities because it is opening up entirely new degrees of spatial freedom. In the future, we will simply be able to print individual hearing aids, prostheses or even smartwatches,” explains Markus Ankenbrand of the FAPS institute…

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Metalworking expertise sought for hydrogen technologies. The extent to which the climate protection and decarbonization are impacting the world of manufacturing technology will be made clear at EMO Hannover 2023 with its “Future of Sustainability in Production” focus topic. This will be addressing the latest developments in sustainable production, energy efficiency, alternative drives and much more. The combustion engine played a dominant role for decades, but now machine tool manufacturers and suppliers are increasingly looking for ways to compensate for the declines. A move into hydrogen technologies offers great potential and opportunities for new business. Scientifically supported development partnerships along…

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Researchers report on how production planning can be automated at the EMO Hannover Lunch-Talk Let’s Talk Science. . “Efficient manufacturing stands and falls with its planning. And it is a highly complex process,” emphasizes Dr. Martin Erler from the Institute of Production Engineering (IF) at TU Dresden. “Automation of production planning is therefore the next ‘big thing’ in production. This is because production is becoming increasingly flexible, all the way to batch size 1, so its planning is becoming more and more complicated. In addition, planners have had to make many decisions up to now, the effects of which on…

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EMO Hannover 2023: OPC UA GMS interface optimizing digital measurement. Measurement technology is playing a major role in Industry 4.0. A crucial factor for the success of the digital transformation is the OPC UA GMS (geometric measuring systems) interface, which a working group of the Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) hopes will pave the way for vendor-neutral communication in measuring. Three exhibitors at EMO Hannover – Mahr, Wenzel and Zeiss – explain how they intend to improve metrology workflows through their involvement in this group.Quality is decided by the precision of the instrument, Henry Ford once claimed. The automotive pioneer…

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Connectivity, and how it develops in the future, will affect all areas of production including planning, process optimization and quality assurance. The methods which machines use to communicate with each other are therefore key issues for manufacturers and customers alike. And that is why EMO Hannover 2023 from September 18 to 23 will feature a joint stand dedicated to this important topic for the entire industry.”Visitors can gain an overview of all the latest products and innovations on stand H22 in Hall 9,” promises Dr. Wilfried Schäfer, Executive Director of the EMO organizer VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association), Frankfurt…

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Many economists are expecting the US economy continue to grow in 2022. The government’s recently adopted climate and healthcare package is driving demand for capital goods. In addition, companies are shifting production back to the US. Demand is correspondingly broad-based: it is coming from the aircraft and automotive industries as well as from oil and gas production. Key areas of investment include digitalization and automation, due not least to the widespread shortage of qualified specialists.”The US cannot meet all its own demand for manufacturing technology. As the second largest market, with a consumption of 9 billion euros at last count,…

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Experience practical demonstrations of novel process combinations at EMO Hannover 2023. Sustainability is a topic of particular concern to industry right now. Alongside the optimization of numerous organizational processes, the complete machining of components is one of the main technological solutions for making production more efficient and consequently more sustainable,. Under the ‘Future of Sustainability in Production’ banner and on the joint stand of the same name, EMO Hannover 2023 is dedicating itself to the topic of sustainability as a task which society as a whole needs to address.Most precision tool specialists and manufacturers of grinding machines and machining centers…

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The Hays Global Skills Index reveals that there is currently a shortage of just under 50,000 engineers in the manufacturing sector. The German Economic Institute also predicts that, by the end of the decade, there will be more than twice as many STEM professionals retiring as there are new graduates entering the industry. The current shortage of skilled workers is thus likely to be just the beginning of an increasingly worsening situation – unless countermeasures are taken. And that is exactly what EMO Hannover has set out to do this year. The Special Training stand of the Youth Education and…

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Industry has its work cut out if it is serious about making a success of the sustainability transformation. The earlier that business owners tackle these issues, the better. EMO Hannover from September 18 to 23 will be offering plenty of suggestions and assistance from those who have already set out along the road to creating a sustainable future.Reflecting the importance of the topic and the political developments surrounding it, the VDW (German Machine Tool Builders’ Association), which represents the industry’s interests and is the organizer of the EMO Hannover, has given top priority to sustainability as one of the three…

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Taiwan’s machine tool industry has always been famous for its excellent technology and high quality. To promote industrial development and international cooperation, the Taiwan Machine Tool & Accessory Builders’ Association (TMBA) will host the Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TMTS) at TaiNEX hall 1&2. In response to the development trend of the industry, the theme of this exhibition is “DX & GX for a Sustainable Future”.TMTS2024 will run for 5 days and will showcase the latest technologies and products of Taiwan’s machine tool industry, attracting renowned domestic and overseas companies and professional buyers to visit and negotiate. The exhibition venues…

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