Mehta Cad Cam Systems Private Limited, a distinguished player in the industry for more than three decades, proudly announces its transformation into Mehta Hitech Industries Limited. This strategic evolution is a testament to the company’s enduring commitment to providing cutting-edge technology through its manufactured machines. With the invaluable support from our stakeholders, we celebrated a significant milestone last year – the establishment of 10 state-of-the-art manufacturing units in Ahmedabad.

The journey has been extraordinary, and we are excited to reveal a new corporate identity that resonates with our dedication to delivering the best possible, hitech solutions proudly made in India, made by Mehta. Today, we are thrilled to introduce Mehta Hitech Industries Limited, embracing a renewed tagline, “Growing With You.”

As we embark on this journey of growth and innovation, Mehta Hitech Industries Limited promises more advanced technology, increased innovation, and exciting opportunities. The rebranding signifies our commitment to growing alongside our valued customers, embodying the spirit of collaboration and progress.

Mehta Hitech Industries Limited, formerly known as Mehta Cad Cam Systems Private Limited, has been a leader in the industry for more than 30 years. Specializing in the manufacturing of cutting-edge machines, including fiber laser machines, Co2 laser machines, digital printers, and CNC routers, the company has consistently delivered unparalleled quality and innovation to its customers.

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